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LINKED: Breathing & Postural Control – PART 2

05/03/2025 05/04/2025

Instructor: Nechama Karman, PT, MS, PCS  

Audience: PT, OT & SLP

2-day hands-on LAB DAYS of the 3-day LINKED breathing course

Instructor: Nechama Karman, PT, MS, PCS   |
Audience: PT, OT, SLP |
Location: Edison, NJ |
Sponsor: HMH JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Institute |

Contact: Marianne Mohary

work mobile: 908-783-3347
Email: marianne.mohary@hmhn.org

Course info & registration: https://events.hackensackmeridianhealth.org/event/LINKED22024/summary

JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Institute

Edison, NJ
MasseryPT LLC